For My Sister Lone Wolves.

Sep 24, 2023

Those who know me well, often call me The Lone Wolf.

The recluse.

The hermit.

The one who needs her own room far away from the pack.

But here's the truth about Lone Wolves...We wither and die without community.

In the wild, Lone Wolves don't leave the pack because they want to be alone. They leave in order to find their own territory and form their own pack.

Yes - I prefer to eat alone. Work alone. And often leave the party early. And alone.

But believe me when I tell you my pack runs deep and wide. They move with me. They tend to me. They call me and know that I will answer. And when I howl, they come running from all corners of the world.

Yesterday I spoke to a Woman who was curious about my work.

Her business is thriving. She is hard working, talented, committed and insanely brilliant. "Why are we talking?" I asked. "What do you really want?" The tears came. And then the truth.

"I just want community... I want to be in a group of people who get me. I'm tired. I've been living in this town for 10 years and I have no real friends who care about what I'm doing..."

I witnessed her. I felt her. I understood this feeling so deeply.

We talked some more and then I gave her one of the few promises I can make in the work I do:

"I have a Sisterhood right now that is waiting to meet you. They will see you. They will celebrate you. They will accept every facet of you and be by your side through all that you are carrying..."

For a Woman who is used to doing it all on her own, this concept is both thrilling and terrifying.

Will they truly accept me?

Will they just be another relationship I have to tend to?

What if I actually hate everyone in the group?

I've never fit in before - why would that start now?

I get it. Queen - I. Get. It.

And I still stand by my promise.

I got you.

Let's get connected!

Depending on the season and what's going on in the world, I create free workshops, fundraisers, and / or Sisterhood gatherings. Sometimes I'm gearing up for Rockstar Camp enrollment which sells out quickly.

Sometimes I just have updates or feel the impulse to write to you and check in.

The very best way for us to stay connected is by subscribing below.


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