Hey Sister… I’m MJ.
My job is to listen to the dreams and terrors of Women. I have done this professionally for over 20 years. Coaches. Teachers. Healers. Modern Medicine Women and Bad Ass Activists. All of us who know we are standing at the crossroads of a new era of Feminine Leadership.
All Women have wisdom to share. So why is it that stepping out, speaking up, and claiming space as an expert and informed disruptor can feel utterly. Viscerally. Terrifying.
You are not crazy for feeling crazy. There is nothing wrong with you.
In a violent Patriarchal Culture, we have learned to master the art of loathing ourselves. To hold back our wisdom and blame ourselves.
It's time to free yourself from the bullshit.
I've been teaching, training and facilitating for a long time. I've written books and recorded albums and built a somatic leadership training called "Rockstar Camp for Women".
I have partnered with Spiritual Teacher (and now Presidential Candidate) Marianne Williamson, and I am a regular co-conspirator with Feminist Icon Regena Thomashaeur.
I've done a lot of cool shit. But my favorite thing is circling up with Women like you...

I am committed to creating safe, and engaging spaces for all Women. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, and misogyny will not be tolerated or ignored. If any of this makes you think twice, this space is not for you!
©Megan Jo Wilson, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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